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Building Energized Creative Teams

Work can be hard, don't forget to play!

3 hr
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Work can be hard, don't forget to play! Play is Brandi Heather's signature strategy for thriving personally and professionally. Our skills for fearless determination, curiosity, and resilience are skills first learned “in play”. Consider how many things you navigated as a child, conflict, strategy, negotiation, and invention, that was because you were “in play”. We can create the conditions for people to experience less stress, greater mental wellbeing, improved interpersonal relationships and creative confidence. Watch children play - they don't have to tell you they are playing - you know. When people are “in play” it is contagious. When people love their work they don't have to “tell” you, you will know it. When people feel this in your customer service they come back. Play is not silliness, it's science. Play is as variable as people themselves. Find out how being “in play” can: Reduce chronic stress and burnout Ignite your imagination and creativity Improve interpersonal relationships Promote mental and physical wellness Discover what it means for you and your team to be "in play" now and in the future. Everyone experiences play differently. “In play" is where we are most open to hearing the perspectives and ideas of others, trusting, and connecting authentically (Hubberman, 2022).Play increases productivity, engagement, and morale (S., Brown 2010) Play is why you start, get up in the morning, invest, risk, create, and stay. It is the heart of innovation, retention, engagement and profit. · "In Play" is where you are willing and able to explore, imagine outside the lines, fall down, brush yourself off and get back up. But unfortunately, your best ideas and collaborations are often buried under the weight of "this is how we have always done it" and “work is not play”. Let Therapeutic Play and Inclusion Specialist Brandi Heather help get you in the game and "in play".

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