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Playful change maker

Brandi Heather

restore, retain and revitalize your organization 

innovative strategies for the future of working together

backed by the science of play and creativity

restore, retain and revitalize 

your caring workforce

Trade staff burnout, high turnover, fear, disconnection and frustration for innovation, productivity and inclusivity in your team.


Each engagement is designed for maximum interaction and leaving your team inspired!

Through thoughtful and high-impact keynotes and engaging workshops using the science of play, I help your employees reconnect, address challenging subjects, conquer fear and rebuild genuine connection.


Your team will leave the workshop inspired, energized and smiling: ready to apply new insights to previously challenging problems and results that you will see for weeks after.


Each keynote engagement is designed to leave participants with ideas, compassion and inspired using interaction,  humor, and insights into understandinghow to get back to a mindset of play

strategies in playfulness

for your organization

Hi, I'm

Brandi Heather

What is a playful change maker?

I help people and organizations get over the Olympic-level, mental gymnastics we all perform trying to understand what makes us tick and connect it to organizational effectiveness. 


From college professor to CEO and play strategist, I share 25 years of education and lived experience in disability inclusion, mental health, and therapeutic play (nerdy designation for people who study the science of play) to help you get out of your head and back to the work you love.


My research and experience show that being "in play" is one of the most vital, science-based tools for improving your personal and professional mental health, resilience, and creative drive.

+a powerful listen

play for a change 



Fall down and get messy again...


Play is practice for life. This podcast is dedicated to finding and igniting the power of play as a catalyst for change. Find out how to play is linked to our mental health and wellness, and how play changed my life and the lives of others. 


This playground is for everyone.

+ great reading
Beandi Heather Book edited_edited_edited




Can play be the answer to some of our most significant and complex challenges of the 21st Century?​

Play gives us the inspiration and courage and  I'll show you that play is worth risking a little of yourself to become more yourself in the process.​

It’s time to return to play

+ worth watching

Restore and Reengage your workforce

Build knowledge and people

"do we have to play?"

Good News! No one can make you play.

Play is personal and ever-changing, and defined by you. 

I create programs that invite you to be curious, see a different perspective and stop overthinking. Get out of your head and return to play.

some incredible clients: 

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Andrea Holwegner,

CEO,  Health Stand Nutrition Consulting

Knocked it out of the park!!!!

Thanks for the FUN day with so many great messages about finding resiliency through play! Your session far exceeded our expectations. Thanks for the laughter and relevant messages we can bring back to our personal and professional lives.

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Maureen Topp,

Manager of Licensed Programs

BGC Cochrane & Area

“Brandi is one of our secret weapons for our success in our clubs over the last while (we are bursting at the seams with both kids and staff)! She is one of the most incredible Educators I have ever worked with. Brandi is an absolute powerhouse when it comes to inspiring others whether that be other educators, businesses, or corporations to create inclusive, diverse, and positive work  (and play) environments.” 

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Nicole McFadyen, Practice & Policy

ALIGN Association of Community Services

"Brandi engaged a room full of 240 people into stopping to play and understanding the importance of play in the work we do. She was professional and engaged from the moment we reached out and was able to tailor the presentation specific to our members. Her ongoing support during promotion/and social media engagement was like no other we've experience with other keynotes presenters. We will defiantly be accessing her services again  in the future."

Hyatt Regency logo
Service Canada logo
Alberta Health Services logo
Kansas School Counselor Association
Align Association of Community Services logo

let's be social: 

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